Green Sapphire Gemstones

The rare Green Sapphire is a precious gem that has a colorrange of light green to dark bluish green, and all the way through to yellowish green. They are quite different than other green gemstones in that they are typically lower in saturation, giving them a more subtle and earthy feel. The lore of the Green Sapphire tells of the stone bringing fidelity and integrity into one’s life, while honoring the traits of trust and loyalty. It is also legendary in terms of giving the wearer tranquility, the ability to recall one’s dreams and enhanced spiritual vision. Green Sapphires also have legends that tell of bringing balance into the body and bringing calm and focus into the mind.

On this page we have some samples of our wide collection of Green Sapphires.

If you don't find the gem of your interest  please send your request

by email to or phone +1 323 844 3675 (9.30 am - 5pm, PST time).

Many natural Green Sapphires in our stock and ready for delivery tomorrow.

We deliver FREE in the USA.

 We are happy to provide images and videos.

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