Sapphire is one of the few mineral species that can produce almost all colors. It was used in the breastplate of the Israelite High Priest in the Holy Temple during his service, as one of the 12 precious stones. Moreover, it is the birthstone of the month of September and was traditionally considered as a 45th wedding anniversary gift. The 3.25 natural unheated pink sapphire gets its vivid color from chromium. Its demand has soared steadily through the ages due to their rarity and the increasing demand. Include this beautiful piece of natural and exceptionally rare pink sapphire to your gems collection will be worth your while!
SKU 299
Natural Unheated Pink Sapphire 3.25 carats
Identification: Natural Unheated Pink Sapphire
• Carat: 3.25 carats
• Shape: Pear
• Measurement: 11.02 x 8.54 x 4.22 mm
• Color: purplish pink
• Cut: Brilliant/step
• Color Zoning: None
• Clarity: very eye clean
• Origin: Sri Lanka
• Treatment: Unheated
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