The regal aura of an emerald ring adds a burst of drama through every facet of the gemstone. Tropical, calming and yet full of show-stopping color, these gems are a treat to the eyes. Here we show you what it takes to pick the perfect emerald engagement ring that will undoubtedly be an inspiration for generations to come.
Emeralds get their name from the Greek word “Smaragdos“
1. An Esmeralda Green
How green is good green?
By picking a desirable green, Emeralds symbolise love, abundance and an eternal togetherness. With hues ranging from lime, yellowish greens to the more valuable bluish greens, an exceptional emerald ranges from light to moderately dark tones with an intense bluish green. It always pays to listen to your heart when picking a gem, yet pick one that beams a sophisticated wintergreen.
2. A Jardin Within
Birthstone for the month of May, an emerald’s clarity adds a unique fingerprint to each gem. Even the highest AAA+ grade gems display features, often called jardin as they resemble a garden. With solid, liquid and gaseous inclusions, needles and crystals, these growth features are a time stamp on the gem.
A prized vivid green is an emerald with a transparent to translucent appearance. A color that radiates with the presence of its internal clarity features.
3. The Treatments
From oiling with baby oil to some semi to permanent treatments like resin fillings, Treated emeralds have become a common sight on the market. Often treated to increase saleability, an untreated, natural Emerald ring with an exceptionally clear appearance and a rich bluish green can fetch auction high prices.
Always insist on a certificate when buying an emerald ring as treatments play a significant role on the price of a gem.
4. Mining Location
Spectacular gems are mined in Columbia, South America. Known for their color and clarity, these gems come from the towns of Chivor and Muzo that cater excellent quality, transparent, bluish green, gems to the market. Brazil and Zambia are emerald producing hubs that bring commercial gems with lighter tones to the market. A new, popular vivid green emerald producing area is Ethiopia.
A color so rich, it is often believed to emanate a green like the eyes of Aphrodite, an emerald is one of the most unique gemstones known to man. A splurge that will sparkle forever, Jupitertgem has a collection of gems perfect to create a customised emerald engagement ring. Pick out a gemstone that speaks to you, and we will do the rest for you.