jupitergem.com (graduated gemologist, Chantelle Lobo)
jupitergem.com (graduated gemologist, Chantelle Lobo)

graduated gemologist

Growing up in a country like India, bursting with color, culture and creativity, Chantelle's curiosity drew her towards the fascinating world of gemstones and jewelry. Trained with the best at the Gemological Institute of America and the SSEF, Switzerland, her knowledge encompasses advanced methods of gemstone identification, diamond grading and the manufacture and sales as a jewelry professional. Her adventures have taken her to source Spinels on the busy streets in Myanmar to exceptional Sapphires in Srilanka, a selection of gems from Madagascar and even rare Jades in China. With over 7 years of experience in the jewelry industry, her strong foundation in this niche field allows her to make key observations on the value or quality of gemstones and jewelry. She now continues to fuel her deep-rooted interest for these special stones by seeking out precious one-of-a-kind gems around the world. Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chantelle-lobo-8a12a962/

Keep your date with JCK

Of course, you love jewelry! Who doesn’t, which is why exploring the JCK Las Vegas show should be on your list of top places to visit over the next few months. With…

Spinel, The Collectors Gem

Spinel epitomizes the combination of both beauty and rarity, which explains why the demand for this gem is constantly at its peak. With gemstones trending as investment options and diamonds along with…

Ruby: Red, Rare, Royal

Shrouded in myths and legends, rubies are one of the world’s most expensive gems per carat. Their cost increases even faster in comparison with sapphires and emeralds. It is connected with a…

Heard of the gemstone Morganite?

Wedding season’s almost here and we must ask if you have your jewelery ready? Found the right piece of jewelery to match that elegant gown you’ve dry-cleaned for your best friends wedding?…

Tis the season to be jolly, tra le la le la le la le la!

Jolly indeed with all the cheer and warmth that surrounds this month and presents of course! If feeling like a child, when you race to the living room to find your presents…

Blue sapphire – blue passion

October 7, 2014 there was an unbelievable event in New York, when the cost of blue sapphire was reached 404 236 US $ per carat at “Sotheby’s” auction. Non-heated gemstone of “Cornflower…

Description About Alexandrite Gemstone

Natural Alexandrite, a stone that belongs to the chrysoberyl family is a gemstone that transforms from a crystal clear olive green to a pinkish purple called as the Alexandrite effect.   An…