Tag: Spinel

5 Spinel Shades You Need Right Now

If you’re looking to upgrade your color palette this year, we have got the right gems for you. And no, that does not only include pastel pinks, lemon yellows and colorless diamonds. Don’t…

Valentines Day Gift Guide

Get The Look Of Love, This Valentines Day

Valentines Day 2018 is just around the corner and its time you have your presents ready. A valentines day gift guide will always be of some help when you’re a bit unsure…

Pink Gemstones: The new Pink Lollipops

Here are some Pink Lollipops you should consider Scientists proved long ago that colors influence our life; they have been known to affect our mood and well-being. Our ancestors used color therapy…

Looking for the Perfect Engagement Ring?

If you ask young women what kind of words are the happiest and most precious, most of them without thinking will gently say in response: -Will you marry me? -Yes! At the…

Spinel, The Collectors Gem

Spinel epitomizes the combination of both beauty and rarity, which explains why the demand for this gem is constantly at its peak. With gemstones trending as investment options and diamonds along with…