
The Ultimate Guide to Sapphire Engagement Rings

The Ultimate Guide to Sapphire Engagement Rings

A beautiful sapphire ring as the reason to get married? Oh, yes! The example of the royal family is very inspiring! Back in 1981 it was Princess Diana who acquired a sapphire…

Blue Sapphire vs Aquamarine

An eternal favorite with artists and designers, the color blue never goes out of style. For gemstone lovers of this soothing color the options are numerous. You could go for a deep…

Sapphire Gemstones: Overview and Facts

Sapphire Gemstones: Overview and Facts

Sapphire. Ruby. Emerald. The names of the big three gemstones are so intrinsically linked with color that as soon as you read those three words you probably thought ‘Blue. Red. Green’. And…

Ruby vs Pink Sapphire

Ruby vs Pink Sapphire

Everybody knows that rubies (like roses) are red and sapphires (just like violets) are blue. But what if I were to tell you that that’s not the whole story? You see, sometimes…

Never Too Late For A Blue Sapphire

A velvety blue gemstone, the Blue Sapphire is one gem that will never seize to inspire. Closely linked to opulence and royalty, these midnight blues have set high color standards within the gemstone market. Mined…

The Brilliant White Sapphire

The Sapphire is a gemstone that has held a prominent spot throughout history. Not only for it’s vivid blue colors but also for the lesser-known colorless variety: the White Sapphire. A gemstone…

Sapphire Secrets

Sapphire is one of the most charming and precious in the world gemstones. Its value depends on the mine because the stone home ground bears the minerals with their unique traits –…

The Rosy Pink Sapphire

Heard of the ever-popular Pink Sapphire? The delicate, rosy pink variety that sparkles with brilliance? Of course, you have, second in durability only to the pronounced Diamond; these gems have a world of…

Pink Gemstones: The new Pink Lollipops

Here are some Pink Lollipops you should consider Scientists proved long ago that colors influence our life; they have been known to affect our mood and well-being. Our ancestors used color therapy…

Sapphire this month ?

It’s time to get your Sapphire game on because it’s September already Occurring naturally in colors that could be a light sky on a beautiful sunny day to the deep blues of…