It’s time to get your Sapphire game on because it’s September already

Occurring naturally in colors that could be a light sky on a beautiful sunny day to the deep blues of the oceans, a sapphire can come in various tones and intensities. These gems have derived their name from the Greek word sápheiros, which translates to Sapphire. Dating back centuries ago, there have been many different recordings for the use and understanding of this gem.
For example, it is believed that the rulers of ancient Persia about 800 B.C were convinced these gems reflected the colors of the majestic sky. This beautiful indigo beauty has also been trusted to suppress wicked thoughts while offering protection on a journey.

Sapphires being the gems to the Gods and Goddesses are all set to be yours this month. This is because; at JupiterGem we want to celebrate this month by offering you all things Sapphire.
From our one of a kind collection of earrings, bracelets, pendants and our extensive range of rings and loose gems we have some great discounts on all our products studded with Sapphires. And it’s not limited to only the royal blue variety, we’ve included all the different colors like Padparadschas, Yellow Sapphires and even Green Sapphires that were once known to be the “oriental emerald”.

If you’re looking for a Sapphire and are not sure what you should be looking for, here are a few tips the JupiterGem team has put together just for you. This will surely make your elimination process a lot easier, especially when buying over the Internet.
Color: Sapphires can come in a range of colors. In fact, all the colors in the spectrum. The gemstone occurs naturally in blues, yellows, greens, pinks and even the beautiful and prized sunset orange colors. When selecting any gemstone within this category choose gems with an even tone, as they tend to have an even distribution of color and look good from every angle.
Inclusion: When you are selecting a sapphire, you must look out for eye visible inclusions. The more prominent the inclusion is the lower the clarity of the stone. There are so many different types of inclusions seen in a sapphire, which can only be seen under higher magnification.
- Silk, which is made up of fine needles that are so close together, they almost appear to have a satiny texture within the gemstone
- Crystals, that might have grown simultaneously and are now enclosed within the gemstone over time
- Fingerprints, which do not break a single plane and are liquids that have been pressed during the formation of the gemstone. These fingerprints tend to alter after the gemstone is heated to improve its color
Cut and Carat weight: When you are buying a gemstone you must always check these points, as cutters tend to save maximum weight from the rough thereby compromising on the cut of the stone. When a gemstone has an exceptional cut, reflecting and refracting light off each facet internally, the light will almost dance its way out creating the effect of a gemstone that glitters perfectly also called brilliance. More often than not, sapphires tend to increase in price when they have a strong color.
Log on to our website this month for some of the best gemstone and gemstone jewelry discounts. And as we work with mines in different parts of the world in Sri Lanka, Myanmar and even Thailand we can assure you will receive the best price for your selection. Get in touch with us at if you would like to receive a more detailed insight into any product you have selected on our website.